Tuesday, December 15, 2015

We Love Kevin!

Kevin, one of our classroom friends, is very sick. He has to stay home until he is feeling better. Our class received a Monkey in My Chair.  The monkey stays with the class to remind us to be thinking of Kevin. We are hoping that Kevin is feeling better soon so he can come to school!

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

We are so excited about Christmas! 
Here are a few of our favorite things to do at Christmas time!

Chloe - My favorite thing is waking up early Christmas morning to get presents.
Halle - My favorite thing is to share kindness.
Jasmine - My favorite thing is to open presents. 
Jaylen - My favorite thing is when Santa brings me presents.
Jaxon - My favorite thing is to go see Santa.
Jesus - My favorite thing is to go shopping for presents.
Jocelyn - My favorite thing is to decorate my house.
Kady - My favorite thing is to unwrap presents with my family.
Landon - My favorite thing is to wrap presents.
Liliana - My favorite thing is to open presents. 
Micah - My favorite thing is eating gingerbread men and making cooking for Santa
Olivia - My favorite thing is drinking hot chocolate.
Swetha - My favorite thing is seeing Santa.
Zoe - My favorite thing is to put out decorations.